
لـ iPhone 忘卻前夜

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 1.1.0
  • 4.9

  • حالة الأمان

تقييم Softonic

لعبة مغامرة غامضة من نوع روغلايت

忘卻前夜 is a captivating iPhone game developed by Qingniao Interactive Entertainment Company Limited. Set in a world on the brink of destruction, the game introduces players to the concept of "融蝕" - an unknown calamity that erases everything with meaning, including life, reason, and memories.

As one of the few informed individuals, players take on the role of a member of the Mysag University, determined to awaken the power connected to this catastrophe. Armed with humanoid weapons, players must navigate the line between madness and sanity to combat the impending crisis.

The game offers a unique blend of elegance and power as players strategically assemble card lineups to awaken the beings connected to the calamity. With each playthrough, players delve into a roguelite adventure, gradually uncovering the forbidden truths hidden within the shattered world.

Embark on a unit-based storyline and become the proof of the world's existence while carrying a secret and progressing through the misty landscapes of England. Face the erosion crisis and discover the true essence of reality.

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لـ iPhone 忘卻前夜

  • المجاني

  • باللغة عربي
  • V 1.1.0
  • 4.9

  • حالة الأمان

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